Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yay for the Museum!

I just wanted to thank Jason for putting together the Museum trip! We "back row kids" had to miss the lunch due to class but wished we could have joined.

As for the Musesum, brilliant! It had been so long since i 've been and it was like i was going with a different pair of eyes this time around. Visiting the Museum from a very soon too be teacher's perspective was so much different - i would relate it to scowering the internet for great lesson ideas, only way more fun!! Those of us walking together had our students in mind and were discussing ways to engage students when bringing them to the Museum as well as ways to bring the Museum-like experience to them. I thought it might be fun to have students visit the Museum for ideas and then make their own displays pertaining to a certain subject, who doesn't like the detail in those displays!

Anyway i has just wanted to say as well that at the Museum both in the Museum gift shop and the National Geographic shop near the IMAX, there are alot of neat and useful books, videos, games and gadgets for teaching a number of different subjects from science, geography and history to PE and Art. I bought a great book of the body and excercise for PE and couple of boxes of trvia cards for the History of Canada and the Geography of Canada. There are like 50 different types of trivia card subjects there. Just the heads up, some fun stuff there!


Mr. Anastasiades said...

Those "Professor Noggins" trivia cards are awesome. I use them at work with grades 2-5's and they absolutely love them.

It was so nice to be at the Museum! The best part was that there were hardly any visitors, so some of the exhibits (HMS Discovery, and Mining Area) really allowed you to step back in time.
Thanks again Jason!

sarah t-c said...

Yes, a big thank-you, Jason! It's the first time I've been to the RBCM without kids in over 5 years, so although I'm familiar with the exhibits, I had much longer to actually read and soak things in!

Alli bach said...

I completely agree with you Lindsay, and thanks so much for this opportunity Jason! This trip to the Museum was a completely different experience for me because I was looking at it from a teacher's perspective. I had not been to the Museum since I was in high school myself, and had forgotten about the majority of the exhibits. I realized how a huge portion of the Social Studies curriculum was connected and represented within the exhibits and artifacts in the Museum. This trip has inspired me to visit the museum again while I am teaching to search for lesson ideas... and if possible, take the students to the Museum as a culminating field trip. It seems clearly related to BC's history, but I particularly enjoyed the exhibits BC's forests and beaches, and thought that this could be tied into a geography unit as well.