Sunday, September 27, 2009

Social Studies Resources

The link provided is to the "For Teachers" archives division of CBC. It is a pretty good starting point and resource to develop lesson plans on topic in Canadian history for both middle and high schools. Conveniently, they have radio and video links and some have layouts for already established lesson plans.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Challenge for students

I know we are all aware of the issues global warming creates, and how we are being affected by it every day. I know it was brought up last week about the fish runs this year and how the numbers are dropping rapidly. We, as social studies teachers to be, are given the opportunity to help the youth see how we can make a difference and impact our own futures on a global scale.

This got me to thinking about how we could connect with our students in a way that not only shows them the big picture but gives them solutions to start being the change we want. I found this Carbon Neutral Challenge on the David Suzuki website that shows NHL players in their dedication to reducing their carbon emissions. This is a fantastic challenge for a classroom that shows prominent role models in the media making positive changes and how students (and teachers!) can join in.

Check it out: The NHLPA Carbon Neutral Challenge

Thursday, September 24, 2009

From a high school global studies class

Imagine a class that is relative to what is happening now in our world. Apparently, this course is the only of its kind in BC. It is an elective at Claremont Secondary here in Victoria.
This is a nine part series on youtube. The story is told through a young girls eyes as she grows up in our changing world. Interestingly, this story speculates on all the happinings, or possibilities for our future. go to youtube and type in Earth 2100. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great BC Curriculum Resource

Here is a highly useful website portal of the BC Social Studies Teachers Association that you can participate in...provided by the good people at the BCTF. This site has great links and info on an upcoming conference for social studies educators here in BC!


Welcome to our blog EDCI 773! You will find many resources archived on this blog, including units, online resources, lesson ideas, even materials to help you in your practicum and years ahead.

Although I intend our course to get you started at the life time learning journey of the social studies educator as "world citizen,"all of you will need to prepare for your practicum in BC schools. Please find some links to important BC ED Ministry documents you need to be intimately familiar with, love them or leave them, you need to know them! I suggest you all become familiar with the Civics 11 documents found thru the first two sites. We will discuss the Assessment Executive Report next Tuesday....

BC Ministry of Education

BC Social Studies Integrated Resource Packages

BC Social Studies Needs Assessment Executive Report

BC Social Studies Assessment