Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An Outside Place for Social Studies

Based on what I saw during my observation period, I realize how much teachers teach from the textbook. From reading aloud to fill-in the blanks worksheets, there seems to be something missing. Something that really engages students. That's when I stumbled upon this article!
"An Outside Place for Social Studies" by Andrew Foran - Canadian Social Studies. 41;1 Fall 2008.

This article emphasizes the importance of moving away from your school and classroom and getting OUTSIDE! The author focuses on field trips, but I think that this can be expanded to include activities such as simulation exercises and even guest speakers.

My favorite quote that I feel best summarizes this article is as follows:

“History is an experience of reconnecting to and exploration of a world that came before the formalization of education and the technological drive of modern living. At one time we were, as a species, more directly related to nature, and our learning, consequently, was probably linked more directly to the natural world. Over time, the place for learning became a modern, centralized location called school. But nature still seems to call to us from outside, and there are a few who listen.”

Thanks for reading and check out the article. The author is very passionate about getting students out of the classroom and into the real world!!!


Jonathan said...

Can you post a link please, I am too lazy to go to the database.

Mr. Anastasiades said...

just click on the title of this blog post.
hope that helps!

Mr. Anastasiades said...

or you can copy and paste:
