Friday, November 28, 2008

World Aids Day

So 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World Aids Day, where people all around the world link together in solidarity to recognize this disease. "Now is the time to reaffirm and uphold Canada's commitment andleadership in the fight against HIV and AIDS in Africa and other parts of theworld, and to the people living with and most marginalized by this disease here at home" (Tony Dagnone, Chair of OHAfrica, a Canadian based registered charity providing support for HIV/AIDS abroad including sending doctors abroad). Why is he saying this? Because for the first time ever, the CN tower will be lit up all in red to support World Aids Day. When is World Aids Day? December 1st. So be sure to check it out!

Using a symbol like the CN tower to support such a worthy cause is an amazing idea; I can't believe no one thought of it before! It just shows how important it is to get involved in our communities to bring about awareness of social issues like AIDS/HIV. I can't wait to instill this sort of grandure within my school community. Starting small and building up to this level of awareness is the sort of creativity that I hope I can get my students to realize. They too can make a difference in their community and the world around them.

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