Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social Studies and the Olympics

I was wondering if anyone knows of schools or sponsor teachers that are planning on doing something during February when the Olympics are in Vancouver. I have had short practicums at 2 schools in Vancouver in the past year, and neither seemed to have a plan to do something unique or special during the games. I think this is a pretty huge waste, as students will mostly be excited about the event (from what I've seen so far), and the Olympics can be used as a teaching tool in so many classes. PE is the obvious one, but Science classes could talk about all kinds of things, from drug testing to human kinetics. Art classes could make ceramic medals or paper mache torches, something like that. Music classes could learn how to play national anthems. Socials is another easy one in my opinion. The students could each be assigned a competing country for them to research and make a report on a national issue from that country, kind of like what we are doing now with the Model UN stuff. Or do a project on the history of the Olympics as a whole, or just a single Olympic games that took place in a country you are studying. If I have the time and resources during my practicum in February, I would love to somehow implement a cross-subject 2 week unit where my PE and Socials classes learn something about the Olympics in each of my teaching areas - especially as I will be in Vancouver.

1 comment:

nschlogl said...

I was at Spectrum school before they knew the relay route and the students had made life sized human cut outs of athletes in sporting events from the Olympics. They hung these in the library window in case the route went along Burnside so the procession could see their big cut outs. They were really excited about it. And they looked cool too.