Sunday, November 8, 2009

Observation Highlights - Idea's For You!

Governance -

This one came from Kitsilano. They called this program 'Vinery'. It involved struggling students including 16/17 year old grade nines. Instead of a regular year long or semester style course load, these students worked independently on ONE subject for an entire month. This helped keep the students from overloading with too much information. When that subject was done, the student would move on to the next. The teachers involved worked with these students on a first name basis, almost like a friend. However, the teachers still had high expectations.

Resource/Material -

Also from Kits. A teacher and the librarian worked together on a unit plan involving the full use of the library. The students go through stations (reading books, looking up articals online, finding information in magazines, etc.) and have to answer questions for each one that they hand in. The entire process took 4-5 classes (60 min. classes) with 20 stations. Especially with socials, this could work great for developing the necessary research skills for your students.

Activity/Teaching Strategy -

This one came from Claremont and a Confederation unit. At the very beginning of the unit, the teacher got the students into groups. Each group represented a province. Then, each group did research on thier province as to the pro's and con's of joining confederation. Each group then presented to the class their findings, except this was done in a role play. Each group was applauded in and out. Each group started off their findings with 'Good day my worthy deligates.'

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