Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Instantly indispensable

Instantly indispensable.

Google Reader was shown to me by a socials teacher during a socials department meeting during observation and I already don't know what I did with out it.

It basically allows you to subscribe to a huge number of news feeds from any number of resources.. basically everything from the globe and mail to TSN to more obscure topics. Included in this are feeds from Canadian historical pblications, jornals about geography, science, current events.. etc.

Beyond that, it catalogues and organizes the results into self selected categories and holds all the articles published until you have had a chance to go back and flip through them and mark them as read. It also allows you to save and store favorite articles for later, and sort them even further.

Great for everyday life if your too busy to sit down and read the news everyday, even better for future educators.


1 comment:

Eunice said...

Great resource! I've been behind on my current events. I used to work for a business news online/print publisher and the company had subscriptions for the major North American papers/magazines. I really took that for granted. I agree that as social studies educators we should also take an interest in what's going in the world. Of course, that goes for any responsible 'global' citizen really.