Friday, December 11, 2009

World World Two Map Animation

Click on the title to link to YouTube video.

On my observation, one of the Social Studies Teachers showed this animation while teaching WW2.  Unfortunately, this version isn't as good quality as the one he had but it would do.  I thought it was a useful visual to give a quick overview of events, pulling it all together in a chronological and spacial way.  I'm a visual learner so it was great for me to see.  I think it's important to deliver the information in many different ways.  Hope you find it useful. 

I should also mention the DVD set that he recommended.  (This teacher is into spending part of almost every class watching a video, which worked well for him.)  He thought that the DVD set World at War was great for teaching WW2.  It was originally a 26-episode British  production made in 1969, but was remastered in 2000.  There's a wikipedia entry about the set if you want some more info (can't guarantee it will be accurate though...giggle).

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