Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Time for Plan ‘B’: A New Approach to Climate Change"

This is an interesting interview by Micheal Enright from CBC radio. He talks with David Keith the Research Chair in Energy and the Environment at the University of Calgary. The interview covers some options for combating climate change by attempting to control the weather. It might sound a little bit hokey, but David Keith is a very interesting speaker. The first part of the interview is about some theoretical and partially tested techniques that have been developed to off set the green house effect and stabilize climate change. In the later half of the interview he explains some philosophy behind the ideas and talks about why the climate change issue has been such a difficult issue to motivate the majority of populations to do something about. Keith speaks candidly and level headed about climate change and the choices that societies may have. He has some interesting things to say about our current social attitude and why we might think this way. It is an informative and enjoyable piece to listen to.

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